Sunday 23 November 2008

Vivienne Westwood

"You might think that's really disingenuous of me, but I'm serious", she says. "I'm not here to defend [being a fashion designer], its something I do. I didn't want to do it in the first place, I wanted to read books, but I knew I was good at it. But don't consume crap, make a choice."

A fashion designer who rallies against consumerism and in her latest collection tells people "Don't Buy Clothes". Whose roots are in the then-alternative culture of punk, bondage and sex which started a trend turned mainstream. How often do you come across people who inspire change like that?

[interview here]

Aside, her exhibition "A life in Fashion" is showing in Hong Kong from 1st Dec to 31st January. ZOMG -- definately going.

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