Wednesday 24 December 2008

sneak up on you

suddenly, i've developed this fascination for sneakers. it started off with chancing upon keds on a blog, then buying a pair of red keds, then cool hk hairdressers and now i'm perpetually on the lookout for cool sneakers. i'm still debating to get some converses butttt, nah, it just seems so common place; although i did see this girl rocking a pair of really beat up and worn converses which made me quite a convert, except, you can't buy converses ready beat up! 

I particularly like the last pair by evisu although knowing evisu, its probably some ridiculous price. still the zips, the black and white, the cool velcro strap at the bottom. yummy! too bad it was only on display for the yet-to-be-completed ion mall so there was no way of checking the price.

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